45 research outputs found

    Els Llocs d'enlloc: aspiracions utòpiques i limitacions materials del Pla Cerdà

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    Partint dels principals condicionants polítics i econòmics que indiscutiblement són la base del projecte de Cerdà, aquest article introdueix algunes pinzellades del pensament i utopisme que influïren Ildefons Cerdà en la concepció de l'Eixample. La visió moderna de la ciutat i els canvis tecnològics que tingueren lloc a l'Europa del segle XIX influïren de manera molt clara en el pensament de Cerdà i les crítiques d'uniformitat i monotonia que avui en dia encara rep el Pla Cerdà, i que ja rebia en el moment de la seva execució. El neologisme pensat i creat per Cerdà urbanització, es compara amb un altre creat 300 anys abans per Tomàs More, Utopia, i la seva utilització posterior. D'aquesta manera s'evidencia com el pensament d'en Cerdà esta lligat al desenvolupament intel·lectual Europeu del segle XIX.A partir de los principales condicionantes políticos y económicos que indiscutiblemente son la base del proyecto Cerdà, este artículo introduce algunas pinceladas del pensamiento utópico que influyeron a Cerdà en la concepción del Eixample Barcelonés. La visión moderna de la ciudad y los cambios tecnológicos que tuvieron lugar en la Europa del siglo XIX influirían de forma muy clara en el pensamiento de Cerdà y en las críticas a la uniformidad y monotonía que aún hoy recibe y que ya recibía en el momento de su ejecución. El neologismo pensado y creado por Cerdà, urbanización, se compara con otro creado 300 años antes por Tomas More, Utopía y sus diferentes usos posteriores. De esta forma se pone en evidencia que el pensamiento de Cerdà entronca con el desarrollo intelectual de la Europa del siglo XIX.From the main political and economic conditioners, that unquestionably are the base of the Cerdà project, this article introduces some of the utopian thought that influenced Cerdà in the conception of the Barcelonian Eixample. The modern vision of the city and the technological changes that took place in the Europe of nineteenth century would clearly influence the thought of Cerdà and also those of the critics that pointed out the uniformity and monotonous design that is still present i and that already received at the moment of its execution. The new term created by Cerdà, urbanization, is compared with another created 300 years before by Thomas Dwells, Utopia and with its different latter uses. To conclude that is therefore evident that the thought of Cerdà connects with the intellectual development of the Europe of nineteenth century

    Convulsions, negacions, i alguna cosa més que paraules: algunes notes entorn del cinema català

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    Una lejana promesa de felicidad Comentario del libro Almodóvar y Freud de Karen Poe

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    Comentario del libro Almodóvar y Freud de Karen Poe.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Artes y Letras::Instituto de Investigaciones en Arte (IIArte

    Retos, riesgos, pautas y promesas de la teoría queer

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    Estado de deseo: homosexualidad y nacionalidad (Juan Goytisolo y Reinaldo Arenas a vuelapluma)

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    (Dis)articulating identities : multilingualism in the Catalan countries

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    What does it mean to be monolingual in a multilingual society? Or, indeed, multilingual in a predominantly monolingual society? How multifarious, or heterogenous, is "multilingualism"? How singular, or homogenous, is "monolingualism"? What, for that matter, constitutes a language? To what degree do sound and music, gestures, gazes and gaits, clothes and cuisine, appearance and ability figure in considerations of multilingualism? What about the deaf, the mute, the blind? Or as Monsterrat Lunati asks, what about the dead, the disappeared, the silenced and suppressed? These questions, amongst others, hovered at the humanistic—and post-humanistic— fringes of the AHRC-Open World Research Initiative, Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals Transforming Societies (MEITS), launched in 2016 and orientated, at its socio- scientific centre, to more familiar and delimited understandings of language(s). The four-year project, led by scholars at the University of Cambridge in collaboration with partners from the academic, private and public sphere, strove for a holistic investigation of multilingualism across a range of disciplines that included literary,film and cultural studies, linguistics, the history of ideas, conflict resolution, education and health and wellbeing. Stemming from multidisciplinary research and intellectual exchanges in the MEITS strand ‘Arts of Identity,’ the contributors to this collection consider various conceptions and practices of multilingualism and its implications for Catalan culture and civil society (the other language and culture addressed in the strand was Ukrainian). The following essays, produced and gathered under the title, "(Dis)articulating Identities: Multilingualism in the Catalan Countries," query the relationships between multilingualism, diversity and identity that are at play on and across individual, local, regional, national and global levels. In keeping with the aforementioned commitment to the multiple (and its relative singularities and specificities), the dossier spans the fields of Catalan theatre, literature, documentary cinema, performance and sociolinguistic practice in the educational sphere. It explores how the insights that are arguably gained from stepping outside and/or from moving betwixt and between any number of languages, cultures and modes of thought, are vital to understanding the implications of multilingualism for so-called minority, or minoritized, languages and their attendant—but also accidental and unexpected—cultural identities